Do not invest more money than you can afford to lose.
One of the leading trading technologies developers – MetaQuotes Software – upgraded its popular Meta Trader 4 (MT4) web platform by offering the Bill Williams’ indicators for technical analysis of the markets. The set of six indicators, developed by the popular American trader and author of books on technical analysis and chaos theory in trading – Alligator, Fractals, Market Facilitation Index, Awesome Oscillator, Accelerator Oscillator, and Gator Oscillator – is now available on the MT4 platform.
Besides the addition of the new indicators, the web trading platform now boasts improved interactive graphic rendering capabilities with the introduction of the WebGL technology. This provides smooth running of the platform, even when the traders run multiple indicators and charts.
MT4 has also added three new languages to its interface – Hindi, Uzbek and Ukrainian.
It is among the most popular free forex trading and financial analysis platforms.
The most recent announcement of MetaQuotes Software is in line with the ongoing trend of constant upgrades and improved capabilities of the various trading platforms.
Last week the developer released two upgrades to its other popular trading platform Meta Trader 5 (MT5). It updated the Android mobile application for tablets by adding an additional window with a more detailed display of information related to orders and deals. The window displays orders’ open and close time, broker commission fees, and comments. Also as of last week, MT5 users can trade in the new single stock futures on the Dubai Gold and Commodities Exchange (DGCX).
Another trading platform developer – Technician – introduced a new set of analysis tools – the WaveBasis Elliott Wave Power Tools.