Interactive Brokers updates its Android app

Interactive Brokers updates its Android app

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Interactive Brokers (NASDAQ:IBKR), the largest forex broker in terms of market capitalization in March, has updated its proprietary Android trading application IB TWS.

The updates include minor bug fixes, as well as improvements requested by the users – now the back button of the device opens the menu, instead of closing the app. The developers have added the SMA (Special Memorandum Account) field has been added back to the Account Summary page. The Contract Search and News screens have cleaner look and easier navigation and the ticker lists are easier to be added or removed. Another significant novelty is that the username used for login is no longer case-sensitive. The password, however, is.

ib apps

The application, which has between 100 000 and 500 000 installations, provides access to stocks, options, forex, futures and futures options. It gives access to real-time financial data and charts and lets users place orders, monitor their trades and access their account balances and portfolio data. The IB TWS app includes the proprietary technology SmartRouting, which searches for the best price at the time when the client places the order and dynamically routes and re-routes the order to achieve optimal execution. The app also provides access to the Daily IB Market Briefs.

The IB TWS application lets users who are no clients of Interactive Brokers to view forex quotes and alerts, run market scanners and see delayed market data.

Interactvie Brokers are among the major forex brokers, offering proprietary mobile trading apps. Others are Plus500,, FxPro, Oanda, Saxo Bank and Trading 212.

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