Gain Capital adds live data binary protocols to ECN trading platform for institutional clients

Gain Capital adds live data binary protocols to ECN trading platform for institutional clients

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US forex broker Gain Capital (NYSE:GCAP), owner of, said on Monday its institutional forex trading unit GTX launched earlier in the day high-speed live market data binary protocols for clients of its ECN trading platform. They will be available free of charge.

The innovation will allow GTX clients to use the protocols to deliver more robust liquidity, achieve a substantial reduction in processing time and memory usage when decoding incoming market data, amd trade and make markets on the ECN more quickly.

“We are pleased to provide live market data binary protocols to our most data intensive market participants,” said Steve Reilly, head of liquidity at GTX. “Binary market data protocols will expand the utility of the GTX ECN to algorithmic traders, with the goal of providing more robust liquidity to all market participants,” he added.

The GTX binary market data protocols include GTTP, a proprietary binary protocol based on a new framework currently being standardized by the High Performance Working Group of FIX Protocol Ltd. They will allow users to choose either either the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) or the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP).

GTX’ clients include banks, hedge funds, asset managers, proprietary traders, brokers, and algorithmic trading firms. In late January 2016, the broker generated a record-high year-to-date trading volume of $17.8 billion in a single day. The value includes $14.6 billion spot forex volume traded on the ECN as well as $3.1 billion from spot, swaps, options and non-deliverable forwards (NDF) executed by GTX’s  swap dealer agency desk and Swap Execution Facility.

In the retail segment, Gain Capital is the second largest forex broker in the US both in terms of client deposits and trading volume, outperformed solely by Forex Capital Markets, or FXCM. It is also among the world’s leaders with regards to trading volume.

US-based GAIN Capital has global presence across 180 countries in North America, Europe and the Asia Pacific regions. The broker serves retail and institutionl clients alike on the exchange-traded and over-the-counter (OTC) markets.

The brokerage offers trading in forex, commodities, bonds, indices, and global equities, among others. It operates under the trading brands and City Index for retail clients and GTX and Gain Capital for institutional operations.

Source: Gain Capital

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