Do not invest more money than you can afford to lose.
Crowdcube, UK’s leading equity crowdfunding platform, said on Friday it has grown to 300,000 members. This is the equivalent of the population of 136 isles of Scilly. They have collectively invested some £182 million and backed 435 raises since the launch of the website in 2011.
The news comes the same week when Crowdcube secured more than £8 million in self-crowdfunding (much more than the aimed amount of £5 million) with which it intends to finance its expansion plans. Crowdcube has a share of nearly 50% of the UK equity crowdfunding market and aims to cross that threshold to become the leading market player.
Crowdcube is one of the leading crowdfunding websites in the UK. It is licensed by the UK Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). The website facilitates start-up, early stage and growth businesses raise money through equity and debt investment options. The website is used by entrepreneurs to raise funding from their own network of friends, family, customers, as well as from strangers.