Do not invest more money than you can afford to lose.
TradingView, an online charting tool and a trading platform in onе, has increased its European coverage with the addition of data from the Swiss Exchange (SIX).
TradingView registered users gain access to the SIX data delayed by 15 minutes (with an option to upgrade their subscription to include real-time data) as well as Fundamental Data. They can also use the Stock Screener to scan the Swiss Market and access hotlists (top gainers, losers, most active).
The company hinted more exchanges are coming, but provided no details.
The platform also provides paid data about global exchanges under subscription plans, including for the following:
- NYSE ARCA & MKT – New York Stock Exchange MKT and Arca equities
- NASDAQ – NASDAQ Stock Market
- NYSE – New York Stock Exchange
- OTC – OTC Markets
- MOEX – Moscow Exchange
- LSE – London Stock Exchange (UK and International Companies)
- BSE – Bombay Stock Exchange
- NSE – National Stock Exchange of India
- ASX – Australian Securities Exchange
- NZX – New Zealand Exchange
- BME – Bolsa de Madrid
- Bovespa – Sao Paulo Stock Exchange
- BM&F – Brazilian Futures Exchange
- NAG – Nagoya Stock Exchange
- TFE – Tokyo Financial Exchange
- TSE – Tokyo Stock Exchange
- TOCOM – Tokyo Commodity Exchange
- Argentina BCBA – Bolsa de Comercio de Buenos Aires
- BIST – Istanbul Stock Exchange
TradingView is a web-based platform that uses HTML5 charts and work on all browsers and operating systems. It provides free access to data about a wide range of trading instruments, among which forex, Bitcoin, stocks, futures, all major indices, and contracts for difference (CFDs). The platform features customizable charts, basic and advanced ones alike, as well as more than 50 drawing tools that can be used for understanding and analyzing the financial markets.
It offers three subscription plans – Pro ($9.95/month), Pro+ ($19.95/month), and Premium ($39.95/month). It also offers a free usage of the services, but with limited accessibility.